Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (2024)

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.



Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (1)


Jericho Swain is the visionary ruler of Noxus, an expansionist nation that reveres only strength. Though he was cast down and crippled in the Ionian wars, his left arm severed, he seized control of the empire with ruthless determination… and a new, demonic hand. Now, Swain commands from the front lines, marching against a coming darkness that only he can see—in glimpses gathered by shadowy ravens from the corpses all around him. In a swirl of sacrifice and secrets, the greatest secret of all is that the true enemy lies within.

Swain will be released on May 26 at 00:01 UTC.


It's time to chill out with the arrival of Ice Dragon! You can read more about Ice Dragon from our gameplay team here, but below is a quick summary of what this frigid beast will bring to your games:

  • Slaying Ice Dragon will granting you Ability Haste.
  • If Ice Dragon is the first dragon to spawn and be defeated in the game, Elemental Rift will transform and spawn Icy Paths, which will grant you movement speed.
  • When the Ice Dragon is killed and the map transforms, the Cryoblossom will appear. After hitting the Cryoblossom and striking an enemy, it will apply a stasis effect to your foe.
    • During the freezing time, the frozen enemy champion cannot be targeted and is immune to damage. Only enemy champions can be hit by this effect.


Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (2)

Our cola-est Wild Pass skin yet—Soda Pop Ahri is here! She’s so-darn cute and you’ll earn tons of new goodies as you sip your way through the pass. If you want another flavor, you can also pick up the so-delightful Ascended version from the Wild Pass Emporium!

The Wild Pass will be available on May 26 at 00:01 UTC


We’re launching a new feature this patch called Atmosphere! It will allow you to pick any splash to customize your homescreen with! We’re picking our girl Sona, and can’t wait to admire her pretty splash art while we wait to play. Let us know what splash you’ll be picking and what you think about this new feature!


If you couldn’t tell we’re all about the aesthetics this patch. And like we mentioned, starting this patch we’re going to offer you the ability to change up your buttons to match more your style! We’ll be launching one for Battle Academia, and a departure/platinum button skin to start and you can obtain both of them from the collection system!


Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (3)

Hextech Crafting is the new permanent feature we announced that will give collectors a new way to obtain unique skins, chromas, some of their favorite skins, and older skins that they have missed at the first pass! It’s launching this patch along with Iconic Garen! What can we say, he’s an icon, he’s a legend, and he is getting his moment to shine with the launch of this new system!

For all the information regarding Hextech Crafting you can read our previous article here, or check out the Player Support article here! We know this system is bringing a lot of new changes, so you can additionally reach out to our Player Support team to answer any questions you may have!


Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (4)


Hmmm…this piece goes here? Well. Wait. No. It goes there! Uh…we’re not sure, hopefully you’ll be better at this wild puzzle than us!

Wild Puzzle will begin on May 26 at 00:01 UTC

PRIDE 2023

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (5)

It's almost June, and Pride is in the cards, you can learn more about in-game activations across Runeterra in the coming weeks!

Pride 2023 event will begin on June 01 at 00:01 UTC




We’ve removed the active ability portion on boots, so that you have more of an incentive to purchase your upgraded kicks sooner.

  • All boots movement speed +5
  • Removed the active skill of primary and advanced shoes: Sprint


We wanted to bring another item for marksmen to have as a first purchase, so we brought over Immortal Shieldbow. It will be a great pick-up early on if you’re looking for a little extra protection and power in the early-to-mid game.

Build path

  • Noon Quiver (1200g) + Long Sword (500g) + Brawler’s Gloves (500g) + 1000g
    • Total cost: 3200g


  • Attack Damage: 40
  • Critical strike rate: 25%
  • Attack speed: 15%
  • Physical vamp: 5


  • Lifeline: Damage that puts you under 35% will produce a shield that absorbs 200 + 50 damage per 10% critical strike rate, lasting for 5 seconds (90 second cooling time).
  • Battle Furor: Triggering Lifeline will provide 10% physical vamp for 8 seconds.


Essence Reaver sat in an odd spot for a while and was only a good pick up for a select few. So, we’re adjusting it so it can be an amplifier for anyone who builds crit.

Build path

  • Caulfield's Warhammer (1200g) + Cloak of Agility (1000g) + 850g
    • Total cost: 3050g


  • Attack Damage: 40
  • Critical rate: 25%
  • Ability haste: 20


  • Essence Flare: After attacking a champion, enhance your next damaging ability or empowered attack up to 30% based on critical strike rate, with a 6 second cooldown. Reduces cooldown on champion hits with Basic Attacks by 1 second.
  • Mana Siphon: Basic attacks restore 3% of missing mana.


Since the critical damage rate of all champions has been adjusted, we’re also adjusting Infinity Edge accordingly.

  • Infinity: Crit damage increased from 200% to 230% → Crit damage increased from 175% to 205%


We’re reworking Muramana so that we can expand its user base to all Attack Damage champions who cast abilities.

Stats (unchanged)

  • Attack Damage: 25
  • Max mana: 1000
  • Ability haste: 20

[NEW] Passive

  • Awe: Increases attack power by 1.5% of maximum mana and refunds 15% of total mana spent
  • Shock: When basic attacks hit an enemy champion, it will consume 2.5% of their current mana and cause additional physical damage equal to the amount consumed. When dealing skill damage to an enemy champion, consume 4% of current mana and cause additional physical damage of consumption +6% AD. This effect will only trigger when remaining mana is above 20%. A single skill can only be triggered once for the same champion.


This is a new component for Nashor’s Tooth and will help make that item available for a wider range of champions.

  • Price: 800g
  • Passive: Magic Needle: Gain 20 Attack Damage or 40 Ability Power (adaptive)


Similar to Essence Reaver, Nashor’s Tooth has only been a viable pick up for a select few champions. We want to expand who all can pick this item up, so we’re making some adjustments so that this item can be a viable option for some caster marksmen builds.

Build path

  • Stinger (1200g) +Nashor’s Talon (800g) + 1000g
    • Total cost: 3000g


  • Attack speed: 45%
  • Ability haste: 20


  • Magic Fang: Gain 30 Attack Damage or 60 Ability Power (Adaptive)
  • Gnaw: When the basic attack hits the enemy champion, it will cause 15+25% bonus attack power + 25% bonus magic damage


We noticed that a lot of marksman builds can hit an awkward spot where they are waiting for gold for the next big purchase or aren’t sure what to get before that purchase. We hope Noonquiver is able to fill that gap and smooth out marksman build paths.

Build path

  • Long Sword (500g) + 700g
    • Total cost: 1200g


  • Attack Damage: 25
  • Attack speed: 10%


We’re going to be giving Phantom Dancer a new passive, while moving its old one to Immortal Shieldbow. The new passive we’re giving it fits Phantom Dancer much better, and will be a more satisfying pickup for champions who’s build is focused on crit.

Build path:

  • Noonquiver (1200g) + Zeal (1300g) + 400g
    • Total cost: 2900g


  • Attack Damage: 25
  • Critical rate: 25%
  • Attack speed: 30%


  • Shadowwalk: +5% Movement Speed
  • Spectral Waltz: Gain 7% extra movement speed when you basic attack for 3 seconds. After attacking 4 times, gain an additional 30% attack speed for the same duration.


Since we’re making adjustments to marksman ranges across the board, we’re also changing the range on Rapid Firecannon to match.


  • Increased attack range of energized attack: 150 → 125
  • Increased attack range of melee attack: 50 (unchanged)


Similar to Immortal Shieldbow, we wanted to make sure that Attack Damage players had some more options for early-to-mid-game items that would give them a little extra oomph in damage. We’re reducing the cost of its components so you don’t have to kill as many minions before you pick them up.

Build Path

  • B.F. Sword (1500g) + Kircheis Shard (900g) + 700g → Noonquiver (1200g) + Long Sword (500g) + Brawler’s Gloves (500g) + 900g


We wanted to give marksmen an option in the shop that would increase their damage in the mid-game so we brought over Collector! We hope this will help marksmen the ability to enter team fights earlier on.

Build path

  • Serrated Dirk (1000g) + Cloak of Agility (1000g) + 900g
    • Total cost: 2900g


  • Attack Damage: 40
  • Critical strike rate: 25%


  • Killer: +10 Armor Penetration
  • Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would put an enemy champion below 5% of their maximum health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional 25.



This patch we’re removing Hunter - Genius, since it isn’t a go-to rune in a lot of player builds. It also is not performing as well as we like, so we’re introducing a new rune to fill its spot that we think will be used by more champions, especially ones who use their abilities more frequently.

Gain bonuses upon reaching the following ranks:

  • At level 1, gain 6 skill haste
  • At level 6, additionally gain 6 skill haste
  • At level 11, after the actively released basic skill hits the target, the cooldown time of the skill is reduced by 15% (8s cooldown time)


Similarly to Hunter - Genius, we’ll also be replacing Hunter - Titan with Perseverance. This will be a more suitable pick for most builds and grant some extra resistances when you get in a bind.

  • Gain 10% tenacity
  • While immobilized, gain 16-30 armor and magic resistance for 1.5 seconds. Refresh duration when immobilized multiple times



After recalling to base, you’ll now recover and return to the battlefield faster.

  • Within 5 seconds after recalling to base, the speed of health recovery/mana recovery/energy recovery is doubled. Walking back to base will not grant this effect.


Once the laning phase ends there is usually a lull in the game, where you don’t have an objective to take down. So we’re making some adjustments to Baron and other systems so that the pace of the game will feel more frenetic and progressing into the mid-game will feel smoother.

Baron Nashor

  • Base health: 11800 → 9000
  • Health per level: 400 → 480
  • Base Attack Damage: 250 → 200
  • Attack per level: 20 → 22
  • Spawn time: 13m → 12m
  • Hand of Baron (Baron Buff) duration: 120s → 100s
  • Hand of Baron no longer disappears for champions after they’ve been killed, but will no longer strengthen nearby minions upon respawn


Once the laning phase ends there is usually a lull in the game, where you don’t have an objective to take down. So we’re making some adjustments to Elemental Dragons, Elder Dragon and some other systems so that the pace of the game will feel more frenetic and progressing into the mid-game will feel smoother.

  • Elemental drake respawn interval: 5 min → 4m 30s
  • Elder Dragon spawn time: 20m → 18m
  • Elemental Dragon despawn time: 19m → 17m 30s (if in combat at 17m 30s, the despawn time will be delayed and disappear at 17m 50s)
  • Elemental Dragon health
    • Base health: 5000 → 4000
    • Health per level: 150 → 180
  • Elemental Dragon defeat reward: 60 team gold + 40 kill gold → 40 team gold + 40 kill gold


  • Bonus reward for First Blood: 100g → 150g

First defeat:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 0g
  • Max drop bounty: 350g → 300g

Kill streak:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 0g
  • Max drop bounty: 350g → 300g

Two kill streaks:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 100g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 450g → 400g

Three kill streaks:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 200g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 550g → 500g

Four consecutive kills:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 300g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 650g → 600g

Five consecutive kills:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 400g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 750g → 700g

Six consecutive kills:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 500g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 850g → 800g

Seven consecutive kills:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 650g → 600g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 1000g → 900g

Eight consecutive kills:

  • Basic bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 800g → 700g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 1000g

Nine consecutive kills:

  • Basic bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 950g → 800g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 1000g

Ten consecutive kills:

  • Basic bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 1100g → 900g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 1000g

Eleven consecutive kills:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 1250g → 1000g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 1000g

Eleven+ killstreak:

  • Base bounty: 350g → 300g
  • Extra bounty: 1300g → 1000g
  • Maximum drop bounty: 1000g


  • Ranged minion attack range: 375 → 525
  • Cannon attack range: 525 → 300
    • Baron's enhanced cannon attack range is still 700
  • Minion aggro time reduced: 2s → 1s


In order to prevent back doors or sudden death scenarios from ending the game, we have added a shield to protect the Nexus so that you can join team fights with peace of mind.

  • Within 18 minutes of the game, after the first Inhibitor Turret is destroyed, the Nexus will get a shield
  • Nexus Shield lasts for 20 seconds, and the shield amount is 100% of the Nexus’s health


In addition to our previous pacing adjustments we’re also changing up some respawns so that you can have some extra time dueling your opponent in lane.

  • Plating duration: 7m → 7m 30s
  • Smite passive, minion penalty Smite duration: 7m → 7m 30s
  • The spawn time of the Evolved Blue Sentinel and the Evolved Red Brambleback: 7m → 7m 30s
  • 4m ~ 10m minion spawn interval time: 30s → 25s

Respawn Time Adjustment:

  • Game time within 3m: 0~12s → 4~15s
  • Game time 3-5m: 12~17s → 15~20s
  • Game time 5-7m: 17~22s → 20~24s
  • Game time 7-9m: 22~27s → 24~28s
  • Game time 9-11m: 27~32s → 28~33s
  • Game time 11-13m: 32~39s → 33~40s
  • Game time 13-15m: 39~45s → 40~46s
  • Game time 15-17m: 45~55s → 46~52s
  • Game time over 17m: 55s → 52s


We know all the pacing changes will have an effect on gold and farming minions, so we’ve also made some adjustments to gold and minion experience to account for this.

  • Global gold coins: 3.5g per second → 3g per second
  • Melee minion gold: 65g → 60g
  • Cannon minion gold: 85g → 80g
  • Cannon minion experience: 2000 → 1800


Once the laning phase ends there is usually a lull in the game, where you don’t have an objective to take down. So we’re making some adjustments to Rift Herald and some other systems so that the pace of the game will feel more frenetic and progressing into the mid-game will feel smoother.

  • Rift Herald despawn time: 11m → 11m30s (if in combat at 11m30s, the despawn time will be delayed, and will escape into the void at 11m50s)
  • Rift Herald rewards: 125 kill gold → 40 kill gold + 40 team gold
    • 3000 Experience → 1500 Experience
  • Summoned Rift Herald turret damage: 1500 + 50 × Level → 2000 + 50 × Level
  • Second Rift Herald removed


We also wanted to strengthen the attack of turrets, but if you leave your defense tower for a long time, the enemy will be able to destroy it more easily.

Inner defense tower:

  • Health: 3500 → 3000
  • Armor: 25 → 15
  • Magic resist: 25 → 15
  • Initial attack: 204 + 6/every 30s → 240 + 8/every 30s
  • Attack with armor penetration 30% → 50%

Highground defense tower:

  • Health: 3500 → 3000
  • Initial attack: 204 + 6/every 30s → 260 + 8/every 30s
  • Attack with armor penetration 30% → 50%


  • Health: 4000 → 3500
  • Attack: 250 → 280 + 8/every 30s
  • Attack with armor penetration 30% → 50%
  • Comprehensive change to turrets so that growth begins at 450s, growing every 30s, up to 25 times


Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (6)

Dark Star Malphite

Releasing May 26 @ 00:01 UTC

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (7)

Tyrant Swain

Releasing May 26 @ 00:01 UTC

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (8)

Iconic Garen

Releasing May 26 @ 00:01 UTC

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (9)

Sentinel Diana

Releasing June 06 @ 00:01 UTC

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (10)

Sentinel Graves

Releasing June 06 @ 00:01 UTC

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (11)

Sentinel Olaf

Releasing June 06 @ 00:01 UTC


Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (12)

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (13)

You can earn or purchase accessories from a bunch of different sources. Please check the relevant page in game for more information on how to get ‘em!

Icons: Pride of Sun; True Colors; 8bit Empire; Refreshing Smile; Summer Peach Ahri; Noxian Grand General

Baubles: Drink it Up; A little crow

Emotes: Woops!; Pretty Fly; All That Glitters; Peace & Love; Victorious; Side-Eyed; Scowl

Icon Border: Trader Braum’s Orange Soda

Profile Border: Citrus Pop; Peachy Keen

Rift Emblems: Ravenous Ensign

Homeguard Trail: Garen Iconic Homeguard Trail; Follow me to happiness

Custom Recalls: Carbonate Escape; Fizzy Farewell

All accessories will be released throughout the patch


May 25 - May 31: Akshan, Alistar, Amumu, Braum, Gwen, Miss Fortune, Samira, Tryndamere, Xin Zhao, Zoe

Jun 01 - Jun 08: Braum, Caitlyn, Corki, Diana, Fiora, Graves, Olaf, Pyke, Sett, Varus

Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2 (2024)


Who is the hardest hero in Wild Rift? ›

Fiora. The first champion in LOL Wild Rift with the hardest mechanism is Fiora. Fiora is an aggressive Champion that usually plays on toplane, and the location is near the massive monster called Baron. One thing that makes Fiora a hard to play as is she has to aim for every vital point on every enemy's Champion.

How do you win more games in Wild Rift? ›

Play regularly, learn multiple roles, and more tips to win matches in League of Legends: Wild Rift
  1. 1) Play more matches.
  2. 2) Use easy-to-handle champions in ranking matches.
  3. 3) Learn multiple roles.
  4. 4) Try to master carry champions.
  5. 5) Play with your friends.
Aug 28, 2023

What is the champion Wild Rift? ›

A champion is a player-controlled character in Wild Rift. Each champion possesses unique abilities and attributes.

How does Wild Rift work? ›

The players must each select a character, which are called champions by the game. To win the match, teams work together to destroy a structure called the Nexus in the enemy team's base, bypassing a line of defensive structures called turrets.

Who is the best solo in Wild Rift? ›

5 Recommended Champions in Wild Rift for Solo Rank, Highest Solo Carry Potential!
  • Garen. Garen is a Tank Champion who normally would occupy Baron Lane as he is an exceptional duelist. ...
  • Xin Zhao. ...
  • Ezreal. ...
  • Shyvana. ...
  • Jax.

Who is the most pick champion in Wild Rift? ›

Champion Stats for Wild Rift Patch 5.2
RankChampionPick Rate
33 more rows

Who is the strongest jungler in Wild Rift? ›

Lee Sin, The Blind Monk

Lee Sin is one of the more popular and strongest champions in Wild Rift. The Blind Monk is powerful in the early game thanks to his fast clear and strong 1v1 potential.

What is the best role in Wild Rift? ›

If you have a solid team then ADC will be the best pick for you. But if you don't (like most people) then it's a 3-way tie between jungle, mid, and support. Most people sleep on mid and think it's only importance is that mid lane is the lane that gets pushed the most but mid is more than that.

What is the average rank in Wild Rift? ›

Stats of player % in all tiers show that the average rank of Wild Rift players sits around Silver to Gold.

How big is Wild Rift 2024? ›

League of Legends: Wild Rift takes up about 1.70 GB, so you'll need enough space on your Android device to install this APK.

Who is the hardest hero to play in LoL? ›

Who are the hardest LoL champions?
  • Nidalee.
  • Qiyana. ...
  • K'Sante. ...
  • Irelia. ...
  • Riven. ...
  • Yasuo. ...
  • Azir. ...
  • Akali. The first champion on our list is Akali and while there might be some conflicting views on the Ionian assassin, we think she has a high enough skill ceiling to put her in the top 10. ...

What is the hardest champ in LoL? ›

League of Legends: Top 10 Hardest Champions To Master
  • Yasuo.
  • 4. Lee Sin. ...
  • Aphelios. ...
  • Thresh. ...
  • Kalista. ...
  • Qiyana. Qiyana is all about mobility and crowd control. ...
  • Gangplank. Gangplank requires players to have good timing and quick reflexes. ...
  • Akali. Akali is not for beginners. ...


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.