The Sanity of Narinder - Chapter 10 - BioQuillFiction (2024)

Chapter Text

“Alright I got the rock salt.” Hecket said.

“I got the figs.” Leshy said.

I grinned, holding up my bowl of fried squid.

“So why did you all bring things Kallamar hates?” Lambert asked as we stood outside the gateway leading to Kallamar's prison.

“To piss him off. Obviously.” Leshy said.

“It is tradition.” Hecket said with a nod.

“Only the finest of materials can f*ck with that drama queen.” I added.

“... I know I lost my siblings a long time ago but I don't remember doing things to make them mad like that…” Lambert said.

“Then either your siblings were all really chill or none of them was as annoying as Kallamar.” Leshy said.

“We love our brother, really, but… he can be a bit much… most of the time.” Hecket sighed.

“Most?” I questioned. “And yes, we love him dearly but… f*ck me does he go the extra mile to be a bitch sometimes.”

“It can't be that bad?” We all gave Lambert a shared flat look. “... Huh. Well I'll be back. You can all wait here.” He said as he entered the fog.

Alright, hopefully this doesn't take long…

“How's your tail?” Leshy asked me.

“It's… getting better…” I sighed.

“At least Nettihs was able to reattach it.” Hecket said. “So when are you gonna upgrade that shed you call your home?”

“Soon, cause there's a lot of sh*t for me to do first before I upgrade my ‘shed’.”

“Or…” Leshy started. “Since the plan is to move back into the old ruins since Nettihs made them livable, we can just move there when the train line is finished.”

That would be useful… plenty is there and the demon team clearing the tree roots covering the city and the Line should be done in about… three months based on progress.

“All the tree roots should be gone in three months, and how the train line is progressing we should just be able to move on more or less that week.” I admitted.

“Sounds like a plan.” Hecket nodded.

“The only good news Kallamar will be hearing today.” Leshy chuckled.

“Yeah… sadly that is all the good news so far…” I sighed.

“Still upset about the revelation that it was all Abraham's influence?” Hecket asked.

“It gets worse because I've been thinking…” I sighed. “What… What if Crimson… what if that bastard did… whatever he's been doing to the other gods… what if he did it to him?” I asked weakly, cause ever since the final battle and clean up, I remember Crimson being… more antsy, aggravated… especially towards Darthie…

“Abraham is dead. How could he?” Hecket asked.

“No idea, I don't even know how he's brainwashing others but… I wouldn't put it past Abraham for one final ‘f*ck you’ I guess…” I sighed.

“We both know when a god dies they lose all their powers. Clearly…” Hecket said as she motioned to herself, Leshy and I.

“Save remnants but that's a long process.” Leshy added. “It's why despite Darkwood and Anura now under new Divines the statues of us still repair themselves and stand tall, if now tattered.”

“I know… but why would the others have those weird far away looks when they said Abraham’s saying?” I questioned, scratching my head and feeling in aggravation.

“They were under his influence for centuries, millennia even.” Hecket stated. “It's probably just habit or something.”

“Maybe…” I sighed. “I… I just want my son back damn it…”

“Not even two weeks ago you were cursing them and spitting on their name.” Leshy said.

“That's because I thought he was just some battle crazed psychopath, lost in the want of war and trying to do anything to get me to keep the fight going, now I believe he's been brainwashed somehow and is keeping Abraham's bullsh*t going just to spite us.” I explained angrily.

“Look, how about once the train line is done and we move back to the castle, we can search his room. Knowing Crimson there would have been signs somewhere.” Hecket said.

“Thank you…” I said, before sighing. “I'm sorry… just… that f*cking lion is trying to ruin our lives again because… what? We never wanted to eat his ass like everyone else or what?” I asked, as that was a thing I didn't remember yet besides him murdering our best friend.

“My brother please either swear normal or just ask Lambert to plow you already, you're clearly sexually tense.” Leshy huffed.

“Bite me, I'm allowed to make up colorful curses, you abstract marmoset.” I huffed.


Mother f*cker!!!

“Leshy get off Narinder's leg!” Hecket yelled trying to pull the worm off me.

f*cking hell why does Leshy have enough teeth to be classified as a leech?!

“Get off of me you leafy bitch!” I shouted in pain as I tried to get the prick off of my leg.

“WelI see Lamb wasn't lying!” We all turned, seeing Kallamar was standing next to Lambert, the two watching us. “Honestly at first I refused to believe it but no, here you are! How the mighty fall!” Kallamar said with his usual dramatic flair. “Well you three clearly can't be left alone and I suppose I, as the second oldest, will have to discipline you in Shamura's place. Now then I'll be making a twenty step-”

As Kallamar went on, Hecket, Leshy and I shared a look. We all grinned, then dog piled on the squid.

“Eat your figs bro!” Leshy yelled.

“Lesh- agh! I hate figs!” Kallamar cried. “Is that Rock Salt- Hecket you know my skin doesn't like salt not from the sea- Narinder stop eating those feral squids in front of me you know that makes me uncomfortable!!!”

I couldn't help but laugh and enjoyed the rather delicious squid. “Missed you Kallamar.” I said with a giant smile.

“Same, baby brother.” Hecket said with a cackle.

“I'm older than you!” Kallamar whined. “You're all so mean… Ahh! Leshy stop biting me!!”

Once we had our fun and helped Clean Kallamar off, we got him caught up on things and then a quick stop to Gaia to restore his ears, and we were off back to the Cult.

Once there Kallamar had, in order, seventeen panic attacks, fifteen mental breakdowns, caught three stomach bugs, all because the food upset his stomach, got banned from the clinic for trying to educate our not-doctor, got punched by Kerbasa for trying to lecture them, and lastly, burned his hut down.

“That was clay brick and clay roof tiles…” Daisy said as she and I watched Kallamar's house burning.

“Kallamar is… a very special squid.” I said nervously.

“It’s not even burning right!”

“...Very special.”

“How was he a God of anything again?” She asked.

“Don’t get the wrong idea, his over dramatic bullsh*t does tend to make people underestimate him, he used to be the God of Pestilence and he was really good at it.” I admitted. “Though… him being over f*cking dramatic is why I tore his ears off cause he barely listens…”

“I thought it was madness induced rage at the loss of your lover and everyone telling you it was time to move on and you being too stubborn to listen to them?”

“While… that’s all true, I wanted to give my family some dramatic irony to their lives during our fights.” I said. “Leshy wouldn’t see how I felt, Hecket wouldn’t shut up, Kallamar wouldn’t listen, and Shamura… well I thought Shamura was just being a know it all… as on Earth there’s a saying of ‘See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil’, and in some cases ‘Think No Evil’.”

“Sounds like you're just making up excuses to cope with the guilt or mauling your family.”

“I’m explaining how things were.” I frowned. “So back to trying to get my brother’s house to stop burning…”

“I think it's more melting over burning…” Daisy said, tilting her head as… well damn it is melting…

I groaned and put my face in both my hands. “God damn it Kally…”

“Speaking of where is Kallamar?” Daisy asked as she looked around.

Huh… well, of his many, many, many flaws, Kallamar has his talents. Now then… he isn't Allowed at the clinic so he isn't working on medicine… I don't hear the screams of the bored and confused so he's not trying to shove his writing down anyone's throats, which means he must be where there's water.

Time to take a trip to Pilgrim's Passage.

“Alright… off to Pilgrim’s Passage we go.” I said, heading off to find my wayward drama queen of a brother.

Daisy accompanied me and she seemed to enjoy the train ride.

I have to admit, she was the first person I met when Lambert sent me to the Cult and has been more than willing to go along with all my nonsense.

Been a long time since I had someone I considered a friend.

We arrived at Pilgrim's Passage and judging by the heaps of Fish in boats… yup. Kallamar's here.

“Yo, Kallamar? You around here?” I called out, looking around for the special squid…

I walked around with Daisy following until we arrived at the docks- f*ck!

We both jumped back as a shark was tossed up and onto it. Gutted by a long blade.

Kallamar then jumped out the water, wearing nothing but some basic swimwear and welding a Cutlass.

“Ah, Narinder! Good to see you brother.” He said with a smile.

“He killed a shark in the ocean easy but melted his house with fire…” Daisy whispered to me.

“Told you not to underestimate him.” I whispered back. “Sup Kallamar, see you still got your fishing skills.”

“Seems so. Do miss my crown though and it's not responding to me so I guess trying Mortality out would be interesting. Not going to lie, not a fan of all the pain. Nor need to eat… and poop.” He said. “Any who I'm going back in the water, wish me luck on finding my ship!” He said, jumping back into the water.

His ship…

I… yes I remember it! We sailed the world to all the foreign faiths lands on it.

Kallamar's ship, The Atlas.

Wait if the magic in it is still working…

“Oh… some silly sh*t’s about to happen soon…” I said nervously.

“How so?” Daisy asked, walking over to the gutted shark.

“So his ship, The Atlas, is a very special ship that we used to travel the entire world to all the other Faith’s Lands.” I said readily. “It was incredible, both the journey, and how fast it was to create more Beach Front Property during the war.”

“By that do you mean it blew up the coast or did it make a beach?” Daisy asked as she reached into the Shark's torso, pulling out a boney limb. She tossed it into the water.

“I don’t remember a lot of specifics, but fuzzy memories do involve a lot of cannon fire and explosions.”

“Huh. How big was it?”

“As big as his ego for starters.” I joked. “And then he added on space for a good amount of soldiers, spots for refugee’s, cargo and the like so it’s pretty big.”

“Heh. To fit his ego alone it must be. Never seen a genuine ship before. Unless small row boats count.” Daisy chuckled. “So, word is Leader already left for Silk Cradle?” Daisy asked.

“Yeah, just need to save Shamura now and the sooner we do it the better…” I sighed.

“Heh. Nervous? Your whole family is almost back.”

“It’s because of… of my son bringing back the dead gods, and so far all of them being Mind Controlled… I’m… just scared that Crimson was also mind controlled somehow…” I sighed bitterly.

“Sounds heavy… I… don't really know what I can say there.”

I sighed. Yeah… it's going to be hard to figure out…

Kallamar managed to find his ship. It was as large as some earth cruise ships only all wood. The magic in it seemed to have preserved it, even if the lack of maintenance at the bottom of the ocean left it a horrid mess of barnacles, sea plants and the like too.

Surprisingly though Kallamar believes with some replacement parts and a lot of work it will sail again.

I believe that too, watching that thing shoot out the ocean like The Flying Dutchman was… honestly amazing.

I then told Kallamar his house melted in a fire.

He decided to stay at Pilgrim's Passage until we have the trains and all that to the old kingdom ready.

With that Daisy and I went back to the Cult where upon arriving I was met by Lambert who… looked terrified…

“What’s wrong?” I asked quickly.

“I-I… they're gone.” He managed.

“... What do you mean they’re gone?”

“I got to Silk Cradle and… all the bugs and cultists were dead and I rushed through and they were all dead and then I got to where Shamura's gate should have been but… there wasn't one… I just found this on the floor…” He said, handing me… one of my Tears… “I… I think Crimson has Shamura…”

I stared at the tear… I… oh no… “No… Shamura should still be alive… just… we just have to find them.”

“Where would they be? Where would Crimson keep them?”

“I don’t know and I hate it…” I groaned, gently taking the tear. “If we find Crimson then we’ll find Shamura… just have to use myself as bait I suppose.”

“But why would Crimson want Shamura when they've been targeting you this whole time?”

There has to be a reason… think… damn it what value does Shamura have to Crimson? Hostage is too easy, it must be information… there is a lot Shamura knows and something in their cracked open head is what he's after…

“... Either he’s getting all the info he can out of Shamura… or he’s trying to grab the power of Prophecy out of him.” I explained. “Don’t know why but we need to move…”

Nodding, Lambert grabbed onto me and we went right for the old kingdom.

I was hoping to do this later but it's now or never.

We rushed into the castle and I made a B-Line for Crimson's old room.

I almost kicked the door open when I rushed in, seeing his old room. It was fairly baren, even after the war he kept his possessions to a minimum. Some books, a few toys he kept from childhood I gifted him, some weapons, dulled for training purposes, his bed, and a few spare cloaks.

I moved over quickly and picked up his Bed immediately, thinking that child would try to hide some important sh*t under here like so many others.

The only thing here was a few smaller blades, and a dead mouse.


“Well sh*t…” I frowned, putting the bed down and grabbing one of the books, opening it up and hoping for something in here.

No, this is all about herbs. No, this one is about blade care. No, this one is about fairytales.

The last book I opened and blinked… blank? No… I looked around, finding a candle and lit it. Ink that appears when it reaches a certain warmth. It was an old letter writing method we used in the war. Kept notes to resistance fighters of the enemy faith secret.

“Alright… let’s see what’s in here…” I muttered, waiting for the letters to fully appear and seeing what he had written down.

[Father has been oddly giddy of late. It's very… out of character. He's usually rather broody and work focused but the past few days he's been genuinely happy. I thought only catnip and Hecket's Squid Jerky put a smile on his face like that?

I've come to learn that my father is infatuated with a mortal. The new Architect. A lamb named Darthie. It's… odd. I feel oddly conflicted. I… think I'm happy? Every time I think about Father's happiness with this lamb, the nape of my neck burns again and odd thoughts fill my head. Not like past ones… more… aggressive.

Hecket suggests shrooms to quell a racing mind but… once was enough…

Father has officially mated with this lamb. The screams were… awkward. I imagine Hecket and Leshy are laughing themselves oxygen deprived while Kallamar will complain later and Shamura… well, they have ear plugs for a reason.

I won't lie, a mix of awkwardness and… happiness fills me knowing father trusts this Darthie enough to get to this point but Everytime I think about them I get those thoughts, the nape of my neck burns and lately it's been giving me headaches. It keeps me up at night… the burning… like a bleeding wound but there's never any blood, just a burn.

I can't be near this Darthie. The migraines just… it's like screaming in my mind and my neck feels torn at the nape the closer I get it's… unbearable. To make it worse he's always around father, so I can't talk to him privately about it…

Not sure if I want to… he's happy…

It won't stop burning. I feel like my skin at the nape should be bare of fur and blistering as if scalded with hot metal but no such display. It just burns and burns and it's gotten to the point I can't sleep. I don't know why but I know somehow it relates to Darthie. Just being near them… now even here in my room the burning continues. The days he leaves for projects outside the castle I can finally sleep and my dreams are filled with blood and wanting to keep them away… away from father.

The more I think about it, the more the headache's keep appearing. Like pulling on the inside of my skull… no medicines have helped.

No matter what it feels like something is making my body physically ill around that Lamb. That's ridiculous though, right?

Father married Darthie today…

I managed to endure the wedding. My neck… it feels like my head wants to fall off it… and it feels like I took a hit by Hecket's Warhammer and multiple boring lectures from Kallamar. I can hardly think it hurts. And these thoughts won't shut up!

I don't want this… Only eat the heretics and the law breakers… I hear Hecket say Father boasts about Darthie's kisses tasting like Ambrosia…

I don't want to find out…

I can't… I can't handle it anymore. I need to leave the castle, I need to leave the kingdom!

I need to be someplace far enough away from that Lamb that the burning and the voices stop! Even for a bit!

Father told me there was a small castle far in the northern territories, it was their castle back before they created this kingdom and moved here. I… I need to go. Maybe for a few days and hope this all calms down. If I don't I think I'll go crazy…]

I… saw tears lightly hitting the pages as I put the book down… and lightly blew the candle out… “Either a brand or poison…” I muttered. “Abraham… branded or poisoned my son…” I said louder as I clenched my fists, feeling my blood boil. “HE BRANDED OR POISONED MY f*ckING SON!” I roared in absolute rage as that… that absolute co*ckhole of a God dared hurt my son like that! “If Abraham somehow manages to be brought back to life, I swear to the Nettihs I will f*cking FLAY HIM ALIVE AND LAUGH AS HE BEGS FOR DEATH AGAIN!”

“Do we have a destination?” Lambert asked.

“North, there’s a small castle we used to call home before all this sh*t started.” I stated, bringing out my blade and shoving the forth tear in. “We need to hurry, who the f*ck know’s what Crimson is doing while remaining under that f*ckers influence…”

“We need to find Chemach, she can fly us up there faster than we could traveling by land.” Lambert said as we bolted out of the castle.

I nodded and followed after him quickly. “I’m sorry Crimson… I should have known…” I muttered sadly.

We managed to find Chemach in Anura and she agreed to fly us.

The fly took hours. Longer than flying to the Nursery, it felt.

The air got extremely cold here. Snow covered the land below and f*cking sh*t I totally forgot about this!

“Forgot how f*cking cold it was!” I mewled, lightly shivering at how cold it was.

“Oh, I got this.” Lambert said, reaching into their crown and… pulled out a wool cloak? “Here ya go.” He said, handing it to me.

“Thank you.” I said, managing to get the wool cloak on me. “Did you make this yourself?”

“Yeah. My wool still grows so every so often I need to shear it off and I weave it into yarn.” He admitted as I put it on. Oh this is so much better. So toasty… “I have a lot in reserve so I figured I'd make something with them.”

“Thank you and… ho god this is so toasty and wonderful.” I said happily.

“Glad you like it. I was going to gift it to you when Winter starts but… guess this is an emergency…” Lambert said, giving a small smirk before frowning and looking ahead. “What do you think we're walking into?”

“A lot of things, a trap, the entire castle being painted in blood, bones and entrails do a massive ritual to open up the barrier’s between life and death now that he has my blood, an army of the undead, or maybe Crimson’s secret p*rn stash when he gets really bored.” I explained. “Who the hell know’s at this point…”

“I feel like that last one is just you…” Lambert said giving me a small smirk. “... It's been a while since he retreated like he did… you don't think he… revived more of the gods while he's been away do you?”

“Wouldn’t be surprised, it’s why I brought up that blood ritual.” I admitted. “Will not be surprised if we have to fight a bunch of my previous enemies…”

“Always wished to have help in the past when… dealing with the stuff that happened… really wish it was more than just us here… any chance you can help Chemach?” Lambert asked.

“Afraid not Lamb.” Chemach said. “My days of fighting ended years ago and that corrupted crown did not help. Kudaai in his prime would have been of service but his body is old and his legs gave out centuries ago. Clauneck lost his magic long ago in the battle against the last Primordial, his cards can only tell the future now.”

“Not surprised, Time comes for us all, even if we’re Divine.”

“And I'm guessing Nettihs won't be able to help us for time reasons.” Lambert sighed.

“Both time reasons, and f*ck if whatever the hell else he’s doing… “ I said carefully.

“Based on what you and Leshy said when meeting him, maybe making fish meals?”

“No…” I frowned, hating my spotty memories, especially when it came to Netthis. “Ugh, guy’s always been turbo weird but amnesia isn’t helping either…” I shook my head. “Let’s just get going, I have four tears in my Keyblade, it’s made me a lot stronger, let’s just hope for the best then.”

“Wonder where the fifth one is?” Lambert hummed as we both looked at the top most spot, the spot where the fifth and final Tear was to be set. “So far there's four, one per sibling, but the fifth one seems to be the odd one out.”

“Well, if theme’s stick then… it’s either in my former Jail Cell, however the hell we’re going to get there, or… it’s with the final member of my family…” I said sadly. “Crimson…”

“... If he is being brainwashed, what do you think this Abraham is trying to make him do?”

“Well, bring him back to life if what the previous two gods had anything to say about it.” I said honestly. “Ruin my life next and try and take over the world like he’s a very sh*tty villain of the week.”

“Heh. Another Earth reference?”

“Kinda, basically it’s a ‘here’s another foe for this specific week’ and the like.” I shrugged. “Could have made another reference based on his voice but you wouldn’t get it… and I would get a theme song stuck in my head for the next day and a half.”

I tensed a bit as Lambert leaned against me. “I hope someday I get to learn what all those references refer to.”

I relaxed, leaning against him… I felt… warm. Not just from the wool cloak… it was a… familiar warmth.

“This… feels wonderful.” I said softly.

“View is good too.” Lambert added. The clouds over the snow covered ground and mountains from this height was stunning.

The serene, peaceful moment lasted until we got to the castle. Here, time did forget this place. Towers had fallen over, stone worn down by time reverted back to rock and all this was in the rough shape of a castle, held together by the snow and ice.

“Ready?” Lambert asked, the Red Crown forming a sword in his hand.

I gripped my keyblade tighter. “No… but let’s get this over with.” I said.

We walked into the ruins of my family's first castle. The air here was cold, the stone covered floor to ceiling in ancient scratches and dried blood.

We came to a corner. The words ‘Quiet’ carved into the stone of the wall.

We walked down the hall, peeking into a room we saw multiple impact spots with blood splattered around them. The word ‘Headache’ scratched into the stone all over the room and even some was written in that ancient blood.

The next room, mindless claw marks.

The doorway here was bitten so many times Crimson's teeth were imprinted into the stone where they bit.

Inside the room, the word ‘Neck’ written in stone and blood.

The next, carved images. I could make out Shamura, Kallamar, Leshy, Hecket, myself, and Crimson. Another stood next to us but their face was destroyed in the stone it left a hole in it.

The hallways from here became a cascade of various words, half sentences and manic sketches either drawn in blood or carved in stone.

Crimson was going insane…

… He went insane…

I choked up… I… “My son… my child I… oh gods…” I muttered in pure horror. “If… if only I knew…” I muttered, even though this was all f*cking Abraham’s fault…if I wasn’t so focused on Darthie… I… I could have talked, helped him.

We soon arrived at the backmost chamber. Just past here is a stairway leading to a cave system. The chamber was covered in scratched in words. All the same word.


The closer we got to the hallway I saw phrases. ‘Die Lamb' ‘Accursed Beast’ ‘Leave Me Alone’ ‘End It All'

All of which were carved into the stone and stained with blood.

We reached the stairs, each one had a single sentence repeated on each step.

‘Forgive Me Father’

“... I should be asking you for forgiveness my son…” I said, knowing my words mean little but… gods I wish I could fix this… I… I just want my son back…

“Let's hope we can save him…” Lambert muttered.

“I have the power of four pieces of an entire reality… it f*cking better let me save him…” I frowned.

“Let's hope…”

We walked down the steps and as we did I could smell… rot

“f*ck…” I muttered, as the smell of rot is never a good sign. “Get ready… we’re getting close…”

We reached the cavern. I saw the bodies instantly. They were maybe a few weeks old and…

I recognize these…

These are all former gods…

“Well… looks like we were right on the fact that he was bringing back other gods…” I said carefully. “But… them all being slaughtered like this is both concerning and… confusing.”

“Is this… all the other gods?”

I shook my head. I count at least fourteen… if I recall right, just before the War there were a hundred and forty six gods. No way the amount of blood Crimson got from me can get them all out of Purgatory…

“No, the amount of blood he got from me wouldn’t be able to do a hundred and forty six gods.” I said. “Depending on if it’s a drop per god, then most likely he’s been trying to get the right god back, and killed whoever the hell came out that he didn’t want.”

“... Or the Right God killed them…” Lambert offered, making us both shiver.

“This is just getting worse and worse…” I frowned.

We walked down the caverns, reaching the largest of the chambers- Shamura!

My sibling lay on the ground, bound in iron shackles and their mouth covered with a leather strap. They looked up, tears filling their multiple eyes before widening.

I've never seen Shamura afraid before…

I quickly spun around, managing to swing in time to deflect the dagger that nearly impaled me through the back.

I looked up, seeing the towering form of Abraham, smile wide as that false lion body was adorned…

My eyes went up to the crown on their head.

“Did you miss me, former God of Death?” He cackled.

“I don’t know, how does it feel having your flock either killed or turned against you ya failed shepherd?” I asked.

“Mortals are replaceable, nothing lost-” He raised a hand, catching the Warhammer form of the crown Lambert swung at them. “Do you… oh. So you must be the newest life of this Lamb that Crimson has been haunting for thousands of years.”

“You know?” Lambert growled.

“Of course I do.” He said, a hand raised and with a finger flicked I growled as something slammed against me, but balked as I saw… Crimson… His eyes were hollow, and fresh bite marks were scabbed over his neck… his body was back… “My little Puppet was able to… keep me informed, even from Purgatory.”

“You… disgusting, reprehensible, vile snake! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON!?” I roared, feeling the energy of the four tears flow into me as I readied myself to fight this asshole.

His grin widened. His fangs popped out as he tossed both Lambert and his crown hammer next to me. “Normally, a God needs to perform a ritual to imbue something or someone with their divinity… or like you did with this one, feed them their Icor. But my venom contains a pure unfiltered liquid form of my divinity. Just a drop from say… a quick bite to the neck and I can influence them, maintaining a thread of influence across any distance… even past death, but I've pumped this little puppet with enough of my divine venom that his mind is lost to the waking world. He might get small flashes of what his body does, but he's powerless… his soul is mine, Narinder… and not even a second death will change that.”

I… I have never felt like this before… it’s… it’s that kind of mind numbing, searing hot rage that somehow overflow’s into being calm and collected as I took a deep breath. “I’m going to break the chains that bind him to you… for he’s not yours to take Abraham, he’s my Apostle, he’s my f*cking son! And I’m not going to let some deranged snake take him away from me again.” I said calmly, feeling the power of the Divinity from the Four Tears pulsate with my anger, my hate, and my Resolve, my Resolve to Save Crimson and to Kill Abraham once and for f*cking all.

I charged at them, only to have my swing met by Crimson who was wielding my scythe. His hollow eyes looking at me with no trace of his consciousness.

“Fight me all you want, My Puppet knows to protect his master.” Abraham chuckled, the dagger in his hand spinning about in his hands.

“I’m still here to help.” Lambert said, the crown shifting back to a sword.

“Oh that’s cute.”

“He’s a lot stronger than you’d think you disgusting reptile.” I growled, before looking at those hollow eyes… “Crimson… I’m so… so sorry… for everything…” I said sadly. “I… I promise I’ll save you from Abraham’s bullsh*t…” I said, pushing back against him to get to that ‘lion’ that I need to kill.

Lambert charged at Abraham, who was dodging each swing.

I pushed back against Crimson, his expression blank as he managed to reach into his cloak and pulled out Shamura’s War Axe.

“Come on Crimson, I know you're stronger than this…” I said, trying to think of a way to get to him and undo this bullsh*t mind control as I slowly circled the fox.

I managed to quickly see Lambert, who was still fighting Abraham who was dodging each swing and attack.

I saw Shamura who was trying to break out of their binds.

I pushed, channeling more of the Divinity from my weapon and charging at Crimson.

He raised both Scythe and Ax, and on impact the two shattered and he was sent flying into the wall.

“Come on Crimson…” I muttered, moving to the side quickly and breaking Shamura’s binds. “Sibling, I’m more sorry than you can ever believe, but get out of here now.” I said quickly

I took the leather strap off their mouth and Shamura spoke. “Narinder? You look smaller. Are you eating enough? Where are we?” They asked, looking around.

… Their wound…

“Its been a long time, we’re at our old home, and like I said, please get out of here, I can't lose you again.” I said quickly.

“Oh but if we're in our old home we should stop by the archive. I think I left something important there? What was it… something Nettihs gave- Oh hello Crimson!”

I pulled Shamura with me as I managed to dodge as Crimson's possessed form swung the ax.

“Alright, let's go to the Archive!” I said quickly, lifting Shamura over my shoulder, lightly swinging at Crimson to keep his attention at me as I ran to the Archives. “Better remember where Netthis hid that thing…” ”

I ran down a cavern with Shamura in tow, Lambert catching up and managing to collapse the way behind us.

Hopefully that will stall them enough-

“Oh Darthie, long time no see. How have you been?” Shamura asked Lambert.

“... Uh, good…” Lambert said, then whispered over to me. “Are they… alright?”

“I hit them really hard in the head.” I said carefully. “Okay, Shamura, wheres that thing Netthis gave to you?”

“What thing?” Shamura asked.

I facepalmed.

“Okay, screw this.” I said, using my Keyblade and trying to somehow mend their injury, cause four pieces of a reality must have some super power I don't know about.

I channeled the divinity and lightly tapped their head…

Their bandages began to get really bloody…

“...Owe.” Shamura said, now looking dizzy. “I think I have a migraine…”


“Oh come the f*ck on…” I hissed angrily, not in the mood for this horsesh*t at the moment. “Whatever, let's get to the Archives and search for whatever the f*ck Netthis hid.” I stated, turning around and walking off towards the Archives.

“Do you remember where they are?” Lambert asked.

… f*ck…

I really need to work on getting all my memories back…

“Shamura? Do you remember where the Archives are?” I asked.

“I believe we put it in the depths of this cave.” Shamura said.

“Good, Lambert… just… make sure they’re safe and isn’t too hurt from that light bop I did…” I sighed, heading down the cavern to try and figure out what the hell I’m supposed to do now.

Okay the depths… depths… okay think… this chamber should lead to… another large chamber, with four paths.

Which one leads to the depths of this place?

f*cking come on…

I growled, thumping my fist against my head. I really should have brought those figs with us. Could have just healed Shamura here and bypassed this nonsense…

“Why must everything keep getting f*cking worse!?” I shouted angrily, looking around for any hidden symbol’s like in our main castle.

Okay come on, some faint memory or something!

I rushed down one of the halls, running back after coming across a dead end.

I rushed down another-

I skidded to a halt at seeing the tall doorway that was very out of place. The door contained a single eye. A neon blue eye. It looked directly at me.

The door was covered in hour glasses and even clocks.

This is it!

“f*cking obvious as all hell…” I muttered, rushing over to the door and trying to get it open quickly. “Come on… please be something good…”

I tried pushing, pulling… sh*t!

I whacked it with my keyblade tool… nothing?!

What the f*ck Nettihs… wait…

I paused, seeing the actual Keyhole on the door. It’s shaped big enough for…

I looked at my weapon, then the keyhole…

I pushed it in. I heard a click, then turned it. I could hear springs and gears move as I turned it all the way around. Once I pulled it out, the door began to open.

Woah… wait… why did Nettihs make this door only able to be opened with my weapon?

I… remember Kudaai mentioning Netthis had some input but I thought it was just because of the Tears? Um… okay sure. “Okay, let’s just… keep going.” I said, readying myself to see what was inside.

I ran inside and… woah… There were shelves of books, shelves of items I don’t know what any of them do, a large pool in the middle a small waterfall flowed into. There were stairs and ladders going up and down. This place was huge!

“Narinder!” I turned, seeing Lambert running in, carrying Shamura. “They’re gonna be here quick.”


“f*ck, quick, close the door!” I said quickly, making sure Shamura was fully in here as I rushed to the door to try and close it, cause there’s no way in high holy hell that those two will be able to open the door.

We managed to get the door shut and I heard the gears turning again. Great! Okay, that’s one problem solved… hopefully.

“Oh my, Nettihs’s Archive Room.” Shamura said as they walked around the main lobby. “I remember Nettihs showing me this when he said we’d have our first castle here.”

… Wait, this predates our first castle?! I really don’t remember that!

“When the… never mind, too many f*cking questions.” I groaned. “As far as I know that door should hold, especially if it’s Nettihs personal archive…” I admitted. “So we have… a bit of time to work with.”

“This place is big… what are we even looking for?” Lambert asked.

“Oh Darthie come, I need to give you the tour!” Shamura said, blissfully unaware of the situation as they took Lambert’s hand. “I wanted to show this place to you because it’s such a lovely place full of all kinds of old knowledge and artifacts. Nettihs said to only show it to you after you and Narinder had your first child but that should be soon~” Shamura said with a tease, making me and Lambert blush.

Wait, what in the?!

“Hold up Shamura… what!?” I asked. “Lambert, do you have the figs?”

“Uh, no you said to leave them with Gaia for safety.” Lambert said, being pulled along by Shamura.

“Over here is the wall of texts Nettihs gathered over the course of countless eons and his journeys through time. Each book has a date on them for when they’re supposed to be safe to read.” Shamura started, giving Lambert, Darthie in their lost mind, a tour of this place.

I sighed… well, this might help. At least as long as Shamura’s mind doesn’t get side tracked this ‘tour’ can hopefully find us what in this place Abraham probably wants.

“Is there anything that can heal someone in here Shamura?” I inquired, as I might as well kill two birds with one stone here with figuring out something that could heal him as well as learning something in here.

“Oh if there is, it's in the Alchemy wing.” Shamura said with a wave of their hand. “And over here are some Relics. Chemach made them back in their War before the world was created. This one here is called the Finger of Rigia. It can tear open atoms, these really small things all around us that apparently when broken create large explosions.”

… Oh… that’s… wow…

“So… it creates atomic explosions… oh no…” I muttered.

“And this one,” Shamura motioned to the next. It looked like the torn off foot of some bird. “If the Talons of Darkness. Nettihs said it creates portals by ripping apart the fabric of reality right to where you want to be.”

An escape!

“Awesome, we’ll use that for an escape.” I said, grabbing onto the foot and pocketing it real quick

“And this here is the Rib of Hatred.” Shamura said, and yeah… it was a rib bone with a rather old cloth wrapped around one end. “The more you hate your opponent, the more damage you deal to them when you use it, at the cost of it consuming your vitality over time.” Shamura explained.

“Hmm, that would be funny to use but I don’t think we should use that yet…” I admitted. “But yeah we should be pocketing pretty much everything here to make sure Abraham doesn’t somehow magic his way into here to grab all this stuff.”

As Shamura talked and explained things I was having Lambert put all this stuff in his crown. Every book, item, heck even the blank parchment and quills and ink bottles.

“And this is the Pool of Reflection.” Shamura said when we reached the small pool the waterfall fed into. “Nettihs said it was used to call from across the Void, or something like that? Not to sure what it does specifically?” They hummed.

I looked into the water… oddly, no reflection… huh…

“Hmm… it can call…” I frowned, deciding to tap the pool carefully. “Netthis?” I said, seeing if this pool could somehow act like a video call or something.

The water rippled, but nothing.


“And down this way is the Alchemy Wing, Sleeping Quarters, and Hall of Memories.” Shamura said, catching Lambert and I’s attention.

“Memories?” Lambert asked.

“Oh yes Nettihs, Kudaai, Clauneck, and Chemach keep all their old items from their youth in there.” Shamura explained.

“Yeah we definitely need to make sure Abraham never enters this place.” I said as I walked up next to Shamura and Lambert.

“Can we see that next?” Lambert asked.

“Oh yes, come along.” Shamura said, leading us down the stone hallway and to a simple wood door. They opened it and inside were four tables. Each had an image of the four above the table. Younger. Woah…

On Clauneck’s, was an old deck of tarot cards, so worn and… covered in blood. He looked good in his youth.

Kudaai’s held a small set of old tools so worn down from use, the hammer was reduced to a nub, the soapstone was barely bigger than a finger tip. The image of him showed he was duel wielding a massive warhammer and an equally massive sword.


Chemach… wow. She looked graceful in her youth, even surrounded by the bones and flesh and body parts turned to Artifacts. On her table was an old scroll so worn the paper looked ready to fall apart.

Lastly, Nettihs. His portrait showed his cloak was made of leather, hand stitched, badly but usable. I saw… I couldn't’ see his face, but I could see his eyes. Two glowing with that neon blue, and one burning red in his forehead. On his table were a few things. First, what looked like it was once a cell phone, so old it fossilized somehow. Next was a small candle, the kind used on… birthday cake…

Last, was a card. It was worn and partly burned. On one side, the To and From, both spots where names went were partly burned. Half of the back part was missing but part of a message was clear.

‘Happy eighteenth Birthday, we look forwards to-’

It cuts off, the missing bit wither torn or weathered away long ago.

“Nettihs… this… he mentioned his powers appeared when he was eighteen right?” I asked Lambert, trying to remember what he said before about his history as I’m just really pissed and thought’s aren’t being straight at the moment.

“Yeah… and when the Crown jumped on his head, a portal opened and he was pulled in…” Lambert said, looking the items over.

“The last thing of his home…” I said sadly. “His most closely guarded items… sh*t…”

“... All the more reason to deal with Abraham so he can return home.” Lambert said.

“Yeah… we have to deal with Abraham, once and for all.” I nodded. “I… just wish there was a way to save Crimson as well…”

“... Wait, Abraham said his venom is the cause right? Don't most Snake Venoms have an anti venom? I remember Kallamar screaming about that a few days into him moving into the Cult, just before he got kicked out of the Healing Tent.”

“We would need some of his venom sadly, and I doubt we can just find it in here.” I admitted.

“Oh his venom?” Shamura asked, putting a finger to their lips. “I think I left some in my crown?”

We both turned to Shamura so fast I’m amazed I didn’t get whiplash.

“How, when, and why?” I asked quickly.

“Oh it was many, many years ago. You were just a baby and Kallamar a young child. Abraham visited the Nursery often and would give the children these candies, but they always tasted off to me then one day he tried to bite me and I managed to throw him into the ocean. He stopped coming after that and the candies I kept in my crown just in case.” Shamura said, their eyes looking more… clear than they were earlier.

“That rat bastard… he’s been brainwashing every single god since we were children?” I asked incredulously. “f*cking hell, time to add ‘stranger danger’ to the list of that walking talking catholic hypocrite.”

“But wait, his venom didn’t affect you?” Lambert asked Shamura.

“Nor Kallamar, Narinder, and I did test with Hecket and Leshy, but no. We five were immune.” Shamura said.

Then that means our blood alone can create a cure!

Wait… when Crimson and I fought on the ocean, he started acting odd after he bit into my tail… my blood must have been weakening the venom!

“Not sure if it’s all of our blood, but I know my blood worked enough to make Crimson less delirious.” I admitted. “We need to work fast on this anti-venom… gonna lose a lot of blood from it but I’m willing to pay that price if it means saving my son and killing that assclown.”

“Killing who?” Shamura asked as their eyes looked lost again. “Where are we? This looks like Nettihs’s Archive?”

“Let’s grab everything then use that one Artifact to return to the Cult.” Lambert said.

“Alright.” I nodded. “Gonna take a bit but we thankfully have time.”

We quickly began gathering the item, there wasn’t much and we did leave the items in the Hall of Memories.

We made a quick stop, using the Artifact to pick up Chemach before returning to the Cult. Once there Hecket and Leshy watched over as Lambert and I made a fast trip to Gaia, damn this is such a useful artifact!

We grabbed the Fig… two left… one for Shamura… and the last…

“If… if we infuse this last fit with my blood, the antidote, and I force Crimson to eat it… that should save him…” I said. “Right?”

I looked up to Gaia, the multicolored flower of Divinity pulsating with their power before speaking.

“My fruit will heal all physical wounds, but infused with your blood, it will increase its effect on others. Your son will be healed, but not immune as you and your kin are.” Gaia said.

“Why are Narinder and his Siblings immune?” Lambert asked.

“No matter how deadly a disease, nature holds one species, or plant, that can undo it. No matter how starved, there is something to fill the hunger. No matter how chaotic the environment, order can be found when one looks. In the most hellish of battles of War, peace can be made… and where there is Death, Life follows as its side. There is always a counterbalance to things.” Gaia explained.

“So basically the world is ultimately telling Abraham to go f*ck himself.” I said. “Good to know… and great to hear that my blood and the fig can… can help save my son in some capacity…”

“Alright, but how do we deal with Abraham. That crown he’s using I think is the one Crimson stole from the former God of The Mind…” Lambert hummed.

“There is… one way to ensure what you seek.” Gaia said, though her tone sounded weary.

“That sounds concerning, what’s the idea?” I asked.

“Within Purgatory, at the bottom layer of that prison of Souls, exists The Abyss. From it, crawled out the ancient beings Nettihs, Kudaai, Chemach and Clauneck fought in time long forgotten, but now the empty realm hungers and seeks to devour anything that falls into its maw. No god or being of this world could ever hope to escape its domain, for the All Makers created it, and only an All Maker can leave it freely.”

“I met one… I think, and they were… a bit rude? But if that’s the case, how do we open up The Abyss so I can sparta kick Abraham into it?”

“Travel into Purgatory, the Mystic Seller can open the doors, and once inside, you must travel through all your past battles and fallen enemies, and upon reaching the bottom layer, you will find the path to the Abyss.” Gaia explained.

“Well, that works but how do we get Abraham to follow us that far down and deal with all our… past battles?” Lambert asked.

“... We use me as Bait.” I answered. “Abraham really wants me dead, because as far as I know, my siblings are no longer gods, but me… I’m special somehow, so while you focus on taking down all the past battles… I have to lead Abraham and Crimson through it…” I sighed.

“But without a crown? Without any genuine godhood?”

“Got a better idea?” I asked.

Lambert looked down. “I just… I know that I can’t die, I just reappear healed back to normal at the Cult but… even with Divinity you’re still mortal Narinder… I mean what even happens if a living person dies in Purgatory?”

“f*ck if I know but… it’s better than letting you die…” I said softly.

“I can’t die…” Lambert said. “Not since getting the crown…” He frowned as the red eyed crown floated to his hands. “You lost your mind losing Darthie… I don’t want to lose you…”

“Don’t worry Lambert, you won’t lose me.” I said softly. “We have a god of time that technically informed us that we’re gonna live through this.”

“Doesn’t mean it’s concrete… especially given how… odd, he is.”

“He wouldn’t exist if we failed.” I admitted.


I sighed softly, smiling as I leaned in and gave Lambert a kiss on the cheek.

“Listen, we’re going to make it through this? I promise my silly little lamb.” I said lovingly.

Lambert managed to give me a smile.

We returned to the Cult and gave Shamura back their skull and fed them the Fig.

The healing process was… yeah that’s giving me nightmares…

Thankfully though, Shamura seemed to have come back to their senses once healed.

Upon seeing me, they cried.

None of us had ever seen Shamura cry before…

“I’m sorry…” They got out through choked sobs. “I’m so sorry…”

I… rushed forward and hugged Shamura, tearing up as I just hugged my older sibling. “No… no don’t apologize… it’s… it’s my fault I went over the deep end… so much is my fault…”

“But I fell for Crimson’s lies… I didn’t notice that he was under Abraham’s influence…”

“We didn’t know… you wouldn’t have known, you only fell for his lies because of the injury… all because you wanted to protect Darthie’s grave…” I said sadly. “But… but we can make things better… I know we can.”

“I just… wanted to-” Shamura’s words were cut off when the door to the hut was kicked open.

We all turned, seeing Nettihs there, foot hitting the ground as he walked up to me. “Narinder. I had to deal with a bitchy scalper to get this but here!” He yelled, shoving- Is that a Heretic's Heart?! Where did he- “Eat it.”

“The f*ck?” I asked in absolute confusion. “Where the hell did you get a Heretic’s Heart!?”

“I just told you, from a bitchy scalper! f*cker took a lot of sh*t I had for it and then had the audacity to complain it was a reverse mugging.” He grumbled.

“... I don’t believe you were scalped for even a second old man.” I said, gently taking the Heretic Heart. “Like… no, I’m pretty sure whoever this person is is just as confused as I am…”

“I so was! He just refused to accept the deal even after… wait…” Nettihs said, scratching their head under their hood. “... Oh I got them confused with that other timeline variant… Well… my bad.”

I could only facepalm with my free hand. “Gods damn it man…”

“It’s like the Bishop’s hearts.” Lambert said, looking at the still beating heart in my hand.

“Yes. The heart of a slain god.” Shamura said. “When consumed by another god, it grants expanded divine power… but when consumed by a mortal like Narinder is now… it could ascend him to be eligible for a crown, or even a Crownless Divine.”

“Which… is confusing as hell where Nettihs got this when… there are no gods left…” I said carefully. “But… well I need to eat this to have a better chance so… f*ck it I guess…” I sighed, devouring the Heretic’s Heart in hopes of gaining the power necessary for what’s to come.

Icor and divine flesh touched my tongue. I remember doing this after every slain god back in the war…

It tasted like copper and flavorless meat.

I finished it off, wiping my lips dry and I didn’t feel any… uh…

Is the Red Crown… having a stroke?

We all looked at the Red Crown, it seemed like it was jerking and being shoved around as it floated over Lambert’s head, and finally from the crown out shot…

The gold base and the large cracked red gem atop it, once meant for Darthie, stolen by Midas, now floated before me…

“That Crown has chosen you.” Nettihs said. “You are to be its bearer.”

I gently took the crown. “The… the crown I made for Darthie…” I muttered, feeling more tears fall at seeing it choose me…

I saw Lambert reached up, gently taking the crown from me, and placing it upon my head. I felt the rush of Divinity flow into me, like with my weapon, but this time it did not leave. “Well, as his current life, I think I can safely say you both deserve this crown, and look better with it. Besides… you gave me this one, so it’s special.” Lambert said, tapping the Red Crown on his head.

“Thank you.” I said softly. “Thank you… so much Lambert…”

“Now then… ah. Perfect.” Nettihs said as he tapped my new crown. “Congratulations Narinder, you are now the God of Progress.”

“God of Progress huh?” I said, clenching my fists. “I suppose that makes sense considering what I’ve been doing here.”

“Do you think you can get the other Bishops Crowns too?” Lambert asked Nettihs. “I think… the more help we have the better.”

Nettihs hummed. He then looked at Shamura for a bit, then chuckled. “I think I can make something work…” He said, reaching into his own crown and… one… two… three… four… Four crowns lay on the floor, the eyes blank and without color.


“Uh… when… when did you get these blank crowns?” I asked in confusion.

“Huh? Oh I made them.”

“... Yeah that’s fair…” I sighed. “Not the weirdest thing at this point…”

“We won’t be the same gods we were before… will we?” Shamura asked.


“That’s fair, I’m not the same god I was before.” I shrugged. “But now that we’re going to be divine, Abraham is gonna have a real bad time.”

“Well now that that’s done I best get going before I accidentally either spoil or mess up events to come.” Nettihs said.

“I guess that’s fair…” I said. “There’s a lot of things to do, and with whatever your job is now it’s got you even busier…” I sighed.

“Right… my job… totally…” He said and I swear I could feel his eyes shift back and forth under his cloak. “Well gotta go-bye!” He said quickly before vanishing.

“... That was odd.” Lambert said. “Odder than normal…”

“Considering we’re going to a place that’s made by people above Gods… I have a weird feeling Nettihs is involved somehow.” I admitted.

“Perhaps…” Shamura said, gently picking up one of the crowns. “... I don’t think I’m worthy to be a god… not after what I let transpire… but if you allow, I will spend eternity to correct my sins, and transgressions against the lambs.” Shamura said, looking at Lambert and I.

“Heh, well, could use the help. Got some new Gods, myself included so advice would be nice.” Lambert said with a smirk.

I put the crown on Shamura’s head. “Listen, it’s not your fault, you genuinely had what we in the business call Drain Bramage.” I said playfully.

“The sins and the blood are still mine to carry, regardless of the cause.” Shamura said, their new crown’s eye glowing bright and the eye blinking to life with a glittering mix of purple and blue. Shamura then pulled me into a hug. “It’s good to have you back, Narinder.”

“It’s good to be back Shamura… and I’m glad you’re all back.” I said, hugging them back.

The Sanity of Narinder - Chapter 10 - BioQuillFiction (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.