5W-20 or 5W-30: Selecting the Right Grade for Your Engine (2024)

When it comes to engine oils, the choice between 5W-20 or 5W-30 is a decision that can significantly impact a vehicle’s performance and longevity. These two popular viscosity grades hold the spotlight in automotive maintenance discussions.

Understanding the distinctions, benefits, and considerations of 5W-20 or 5W-30 oils is essential for optimizing engine protection and efficiency. This exploration navigates the nuances of these oil grades, shedding light on their characteristics and helping car owners make informed choices for their engines’ well-being.

Table Of Contents

  1. What is Oil Viscosity?
  2. What Does 5W-20 Engine Oil Mean?
  3. What Does 5W-30 Engine Oil Mean?
  4. Differences Between 5W-20 and 5W-30 Engine Oils
  5. FAQs About 5W-20 and 5W-30
  6. When Should You Choose 5W-20 Engine Oil for Your Car?
  7. When Should You Choose 5W-30 Engine Oil for Your Car?
  8. Final Thoughts: 5W-20 or 5W-30

What is Oil Viscosity?

Oil viscosity refers to its resistance to flow or its thickness. It is a crucial property in fluids, including lubricating oils, and is often classified into two categories: kinematic viscosity (flow rate relative to gravity) and dynamic viscosity (resistance to shear). Viscosity affects the oil’s performance in various applications, such as engines and machinery.

Proper viscosity ensures effective lubrication, reduces friction and wear, optimizes fuel efficiency, and helps maintain stable operating temperatures. Choosing the right viscosity grade is vital, as too low viscosity can lead to inadequate protection, while excessive viscosity can hamper flow and increase energy consumption.

What Does 5W-20 Engine Oil Mean?

5W-20 engine oil refers to a specific type of multi-viscosity oil commonly used in internal combustion engines. The “5W” represents its viscosity grade at low temperatures, where “W” stands for winter, indicating its flow characteristics in cold conditions. The number “5” denotes its thinness when cold, allowing easier cold starts.

5W-20 or 5W-30: Selecting the Right Grade for Your Engine (1)

The “20” signifies its viscosity at high temperatures, measuring its resistance to flow as the engine heats up. This oil’s technical parameters are a kinematic viscosity of around 5 centistokes (cSt) at -30°C and around 20 cSt at 100°C. It offers good cold start performance and protection across a range of operating temperatures.

What Does 5W-30 Engine Oil Mean?

5W-30 engine oil is a type of multi-viscosity lubricant commonly utilized in internal combustion engines. The “5W” descriptor pertains to its viscosity grade under colder conditions, where the “W” signifies winter, delineating its flow behavior during chilly starts.

The numeral “5” indicates its relative thinness during frigid ignition. On the other hand, the “30” denotes its viscosity at elevated temperatures, gauging its resistance to flow as the engine operates at higher heat levels. This oil typically exhibits a kinematic viscosity of around 5 centistokes at -30°C and about 30 centistokes at 100°C.

It provides reliable performance during cold starts, safeguards the engine, and suits a diverse range of temperature environments.

Differences Between 5W-20 and 5W-30 Engine Oils

Difference5W-20 Engine Oil5W-30 Engine Oil
ViscosityThinner at high temperatures, lower viscositySlightly thicker at high temperatures, higher viscosity
PerformanceGenerally offers better fuel efficiency and potential for improved horsepowerBalances fuel efficiency and engine protection, suitable for a broader range of applications
Effects of Cold WeatherBetter cold flow, improves cold startsSlightly thicker, may provide slightly more protection in extreme cold
Effects of Hot WeatherThinner, flows better in high temperaturesSlightly thicker, better protection against high-temperature breakdown
Working ConditionsIdeal for vehicles with tight engine tolerances and lighter loadsSuitable for a wide range of driving conditions and vehicle types
Changing IntervalsMay require more frequent oil changes due to potentially lower wear protectionSlightly extended oil change intervals due to enhanced high-temperature protection

1. Viscosity

5W-20 oil is thinner at high temperatures compared to 5W-30 oil, resulting in potentially reduced friction and better fuel efficiency. In contrast, 5W-30 oil is slightly thicker at high temperatures, offering enhanced protection against wear.

2. Performance

5W-20 oil often provides better fuel efficiency and the potential for improved horsepower due to its lower viscosity. 5W-30 oil strikes a balance between fuel efficiency and engine protection, making it suitable for a wider range of applications.

3. Effects of Cold Weather

5W-20 oil flows more easily in cold temperatures, aiding in quicker cold starts. 5W-30 oil is slightly thicker in cold weather, potentially offering slightly more protection against extreme cold conditions.

4. Effects of Hot Weather

5W-20 oil is thinner in hot temperatures, allowing it to flow better. 5W-30 oil is slightly thicker, offering better protection against breakdown due to high temperatures.

5. Working Conditions

5W-20 oil is preferred for vehicles with tight engine tolerances and lighter loads. 5W-30 oil’s versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of driving conditions and vehicle types.

6. Changing Intervals

Due to potentially lower wear protection, 5W-20 oil may require more frequent oil changes. On the other hand, the slightly better high-temperature protection of 5W-30 oil can lead to slightly extended oil change intervals.

FAQs About 5W-20 and 5W-30

Exploring topics such as interchangeability, performance implications, mixing, suitability for specific car brands, and more, these FAQs aim to provide comprehensive insights to guide vehicle owners in selecting the most appropriate engine oil for their needs.

5W-20 or 5W-30: Selecting the Right Grade for Your Engine (2)

1. Can You Use 5W-30 instead of 5W-20?

In many cases, you can use 5W-30 oil as a substitute for 5W-20, but it’s crucial to consider manufacturer recommendations and your specific driving conditions. Before making the switch, consult your vehicle’s manual to ensure compatibility. Some modern engines are designed to work optimally with a particular viscosity, while others may tolerate slight variations.

2. What Will Happen if You Use 5W-30 instead of 5W-20?

Using 5W-30 oil instead of 5W-20 may not result in immediate problems, but there are important factors to consider. While both oils have similar temperature ranges, 5W-30 is slightly thicker at higher temperatures.

This could potentially lead to slightly reduced fuel efficiency and increased engine wear over time due to increased friction. If your vehicle’s manual recommends 5W-20, it’s advisable to follow those guidelines for optimal performance.

3. Can You Use a Mixture of 5W-20 and 5W-30?

While it’s not recommended to mix different viscosities of oil, especially within the same oil change, mixing a small amount of 5W-20 with 5W-30 or vice versa in an emergency is generally better than running low on oil.

However, using a mixture could alter the oil’s intended properties and potentially affect lubrication and engine performance. For regular maintenance, it’s best to use a consistent and recommended oil viscosity.

4. Does 5W-30 Perform Better than 5W-20 at High Temperatures?

Yes, 5W-30 oil generally performs slightly better than 5W-20 in high-temperature conditions due to its slightly higher viscosity. The “30” in 5W-30 indicates that the oil remains thicker than 5W-20 when the engine is operating at high temperatures.

This characteristic provides a bit more protection against breakdown under heat stress. While both viscosities are designed to offer protection within specific temperature ranges, if you live in a hotter climate or engage in activities that strain the engine, 5W-30 might be a slightly more suitable choice. As always, refer to your vehicle’s manual for guidance on the recommended oil viscosity for your specific driving conditions.

5. Does 5W-20 flow better than 5W-30 in cold weather?

Yes, 5W-20 oil flows more readily than 5W-30 in cold weather. The “5W” rating indicates that both oils have good cold-start characteristics, but 5W-20 is thinner during low temperatures.

This means it can quickly reach engine components, reducing wear during cold starts. The slightly lower viscosity of 5W-20 allows it to provide better initial lubrication and minimize friction, which is crucial for protecting your engine when it’s coldest.

5W-20 or 5W-30: Selecting the Right Grade for Your Engine (3)

6. Is 5W-20 Oil Synthetic or Fully Synthetic?

5W-20 oil can be either conventional or synthetic. It refers to the oil’s viscosity grade, not its composition. Both conventional and synthetic oils are available in this viscosity. Synthetic 5W-20 oil offers superior performance in terms of stability at high temperatures, cold-weather flow, and overall engine protection.

However, it’s essential to check the oil packaging or manufacturer specifications to determine whether a particular 5W-20 oil is conventional or fully synthetic.

7. Is 5W-30 Oil Synthetic or Fully Synthetic?

Like 5W-20, 5W-30 oil can be either conventional or synthetic. The “5W-30” refers to the oil’s viscosity rating and not its composition. Both types are available in this viscosity grade. Fully synthetic 5W-30 oil offers advantages such as improved high-temperature stability, enhanced cold-weather performance, and better protection against engine wear.

To determine whether a specific 5W-30 oil is conventional or fully synthetic, review the product label or consult the manufacturer’s information. Always choose the type of oil that aligns with your vehicle’s requirements and your desired level of performance and protection.

8. Is 5W-30 thicker than 5W-20 Engine Oil?

Yes, 5W-30 engine oil is indeed slightly thicker than 5W-20. The numbers in these viscosity ratings indicate the oil’s flow characteristics at different temperatures. Both oils flow well in cold conditions (the “5W” part), but the difference comes at higher temperatures (the numbers after the “W”).

A 5W-30 oil maintains a thicker viscosity at elevated temperatures compared to 5W-20. This provides added protection against engine wear and heat-related breakdown, making it suitable for engines that might operate under more strenuous conditions or higher temperatures.

9. Is 5W-20 Engine Oil better than 5W-30 Engine Oil for Toyota?

For Toyota vehicles, the choice between 5W-20 and 5W-30 engine oil depends on the specific model and its manufacturer recommendations. Many newer Toyota models favor 5W-20 due to its potential for improved fuel efficiency. However, always consult your Toyota vehicle’s manual to determine the recommended viscosity.

Following the manufacturer’s guidelines ensures proper engine lubrication, wear protection, and overall performance. Toyota’s engineering considers the best oil for your engine’s design, tolerances, and intended use, so adhering to their recommendations is crucial for maintaining the longevity and performance of your Toyota vehicle.

10. Is 5W-20 Engine Oil better than 5W-30 Engine Oil for Ford?

The choice between 5W-20 and 5W-30 engine oil for Ford vehicles varies depending on factors like the specific model, engine design, and driving conditions. Ford often offers both viscosity options in its recommended oils. Generally, 5W-20 might provide slightly better fuel efficiency due to its lower viscosity.

However, 5W-30 offers advantages in high-temperature protection, making it suitable for engines that experience more extreme conditions or heavy-duty use. Always refer to your Ford vehicle’s manual to determine the recommended viscosity, as it’s designed to optimize engine performance, protection, and efficiency based on the vehicle’s specifications.

When Should You Choose 5W-20 Engine Oil for Your Car?

Choose 5W-20 engine oil for your car when seeking improved fuel efficiency and your vehicle has tight engine tolerances. This thinner oil flows more easily at higher temperatures, reducing friction and potentially enhancing horsepower. It’s suitable for modern engines with minimal clearance, often found in newer vehicles.

If you drive in moderate climates, have a light-duty vehicle, and prioritize fuel economy, 5W-20 oil is a good choice. However, always refer to your vehicle’s manual for manufacturer recommendations to ensure you’re using the correct viscosity oil for optimal performance and protection.

When Should You Choose 5W-30 Engine Oil for Your Car?

Opt for 5W-30 engine oil for your car when seeking a balance between fuel efficiency and engine protection across a range of conditions. This oil’s slightly higher viscosity provides better wear protection, making it suitable for vehicles with varying engine clearances and heavier loads.

5W-20 or 5W-30: Selecting the Right Grade for Your Engine (4)

If you frequently experience extreme temperatures, either hot or cold, or if your vehicle is used for towing or carrying heavy loads, 5W-30 oil is a wise choice. Always consult your vehicle’s manual for manufacturer recommendations to ensure the appropriate viscosity oil is selected, promoting optimal engine performance and longevity.

Final Thoughts: 5W-20 or 5W-30

In the realm of automotive care, the choice between 5W-20 and 5W-30 oils carries substantial significance. Selecting the appropriate viscosity grade, be it for enhanced fuel efficiency or robust high-temperature protection, is pivotal for maintaining an engine’s health. By grasping the distinctions and considering individual vehicle requirements, one can confidently navigate the choice between these two engine oils, ensuring optimal performance, efficiency, and durability in every journey.

Explore our blog on engine oils for more information.

5W-20 or 5W-30: Selecting the Right Grade for Your Engine (2024)


5W-20 or 5W-30: Selecting the Right Grade for Your Engine? ›

When considering 5W-20 vs 5W-30, they are the same viscosity when the engine is cold. The 5W-20, however, will remain a little thinner once you reach operating temperature to help improve fuel economy and flow fast enough to fill the tight tolerances in the engine.

Should I use 5w20 or 5w30? ›

Typically, a 5W-20 oil provides higher gas mileage than a 5W-30 due to its more effortless flow. However, the 5W-30 oil is still a suitable option where fuel efficiency is concerned. Using 5W-30 simply produces a bit less economy because moving an oil that is less freely flowing through the system consumes more energy.

How do I choose my engine oil grade? ›

Automakers usually specify a 5W-20 or 5W-30 oil for colder temperatures, with a 10W-30 oil as optional for higher ambient temperatures. These three ratings cover most light-duty vehicles on the road. Even more important, though, is changing the oil and filter regularly.

What would happen if I put 5W-30 oil in my engine instead of the recommended 0W 20? ›

No car “requires” 0W-20. It's a recommendation, not a requirement. 5w30 will be thicker (more viscous). It will offer better projection to bearings and some other wear surfaces at the expense of slightly worse cooling of some other parts and increase oil pressure delay at extremely cold temperatures.

Is 5W-20 good for high mileage? ›

MAG 1® High Mileage Synthetic Blend 5W-20 Motor Oil is formulated to extend engine life for vehicles that have already exceeded 75,000 miles. It seals leaks, features superior oxidation stability, and provides extra protection against sludge, deposit buildup, and high temperatures.

What if I accidentally put 5W-30 instead of 5w20? ›

What happens if you use 5w30 oil instead of 5w20 oil? There may not be sudden problems if your engine allows the use of different oils. If it doesn't, then the longevity of your engine is definitely at risk. Exposing your engine to somewhat thicker oil than it's used to leads to additional friction.

Is 5W-30 oil good for hot weather? ›

5W30 engine oils has a narrower temperature range then 5W40. 5W30 is suitable for operating temperature between -25°C and 25°C, and 5W40 has a range of between -25°C and 35°C. In terms of oil flow, 5W30 has greater flow than 5W40.

Which oil is best for an engine? ›

Top Engine Oils for Bikes in India 2024
  • Motul 7100. ...
  • Shell Advance. ...
  • Mobil Super Moto. ...
  • HP Lubricants Neem. ...
  • Gulf Pride. ...
  • Servo Futura. High film strength for maximum engine protection. ...
  • Valvoline. Nanotechnology for reduced friction and wear. ...
  • Yamaha Yamalube. Enhanced cooling properties for hot weather conditions.

What grade oil is best for older engines? ›

These single-grade oils can be used in 1950s and older cars – generally SAE 30 to SAE 50 – but most owners use multi-grade. For subsequent decades, you're best to follow the manufacturer's oil-weight recommendations, especially with forced-induction or high-revving engines.

What grade of oil is best for my car? ›

10W-30 is a conventional oil that is suitable for most cars. It is a good all-around choice that provides good protection for both hot and cold weather. 5W-30 is a synthetic oil that is also suitable for most cars. It is thinner than 10W-30, which makes it a good choice for cars that operate in cold weather.

Will it hurt to mix 5w20 with 5w30? ›

While it is generally recommended to use the recommended oil viscosity specified by the vehicle manufacturer, mixing small amounts of 5W-20 and 5W-30 oils is unlikely to cause immediate harm to your engine. Both oils have similar base stock and additives, but the main difference lies in their viscosity characteristics.

Why use 5w30 engine oil? ›

Similarly, the 5w30 engine oil holds its own and remains operational under higher temperatures in the day. It also lubricates your engine perfectly on long road trips or during continuous operation throughout the day. Thus, you can safely use your vehicle for everyday use, and take it on long road trips as well.

Can I use 5W-30 instead of 0W-20 in Silverado? ›

If your 2024 Chevrolet Silverado is outfitted with a 2.7-liter turbocharged engine, you will want to use SAE 5W-30 viscosity grade motor oil. If your Silverado comes equipped with a 3.0-liter Duramax turbo-diesel, it's important to use SAE 0W-20 DexosD diesel engine oil.

Is it okay to use 5W-20 instead of 5W-30? ›

Here's the rundown for our purposes here: In a pinch, while it's generally OK to use an oil that's one viscosity rating higher or lower than what the manufacturer recommends, it's best to use the viscosity given in the owner's manual. When considering 5W-20 vs 5W-30, they are the same viscosity when the engine is cold.

Which 5W-20 is best? ›

Mobil Full Synthetic High Mileage 5W-20 motor oil is recommended for all types of gasoline-powered vehicles, such as passenger cars, SUVs, light-duty vans and trucks, including models with turbocharged engines.

How many miles can you get on 5w20 synthetic oil? ›

A 5W-20 can be mineral, semi-synthetic, or full synthetic. Each type will have a different useful life. In “normal service” a mineral should be good for around 5000 miles or 8000 km. A semi-synthetic should give you around 7500 miles or 12K km.

5w-20 Vs 5w-30 Motor Oil: Difference Between ...AxleWisehttps://axlewise.com ›

5w-30 vs 5w-20 is a common debate for THOSE who owns a car. This article will help you understand between the two in terms of viscosity, temperature & more.
What are the differences between 5w30 and 5w20 engine oils? What happens if you mix up these two engine oils? Find the answers here.
5W-20 and 5W30 motor oil are winter viscosity grade oils primarily recommended for older engines and light-duty use. These oils are best utilized in colder temp...

Should I use thicker oil in a high mileage engine? ›

As a result, if a car has covered over 100,000 miles, drivers could potentially use a thicker oil like for example 10W-30, as the thicker oil could provide greater lubrication levels and offer enhanced engine preservation.

Can I use 5w30 instead of 5w20 in my Dodge Journey? ›

Definitely stick to your original 5w20 oil. Switching to any of the modern synthetics can give you both better efficiency and engine protection with the benefit of extended oil changes. You won't miss the heavier oil a bit and you won't have an annoying CE light.

Can I use 5W-30 instead of 5w20 in my Hyundai? ›

As for the Hyundai Elantra recommended oil type, you can choose either of these grades in conventional or synthetic oil: 5W-20. 5W-30.

What temperature is 5w20 oil good for? ›

PETROFLO 0w-20 and 5w-20 SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL protects engines up to 204°C (400° F.).


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